Monday, December 27, 2010

Thai Immigration Office on Soi 5 in Jomtien

Aloha Pattaya Mail

After going to the fairly new and used to be, beautiful Thai Immigration Office on Soi 5 in Jomtien, The Pollution Solution Group was shocked to see how un-kept the outside grounds were.

The parking lot and restaurant area was "full" of discarded cigarette butts, the plants were full of butts, empty cigarette packs, killing the plants, the entrance to Thai Immigration where there used to be beautiful plants, is now full of dieing un-watered plants and were also full of cigarette butts and other trash.

The Pollution Solution Group would like to think that this place, where all Farangs must go to be able to stay in the land of smiles, should be a place, where Thailand would want to set examples for visitors to their country, and to see how it should look and be taken care of.

1. Farangs having a little respect for the area.

2. One would think that whom ever is in charge of the outside area would take much better care.

Inside the Immigration Office has been and still is clean and well organized.

TPSG also after removing all of the butts and trash, installed signs in Thai and English and temporary ashtrays, at all entrances, to the Immigration Office and entrance to the parking lot.

TPSG is also going there before they open to the public and cleaning the ashtrays, picking up the still discarded toxic butts all over the parking lot, as we think when people see a clean area, some think twice before they trash it.

TPSG hope that this matter is taken care of sooner then later, as we are needed at the beaches to clean and set examples.

We certainly hope that this eye-sorer is corrected, so the Farangs start using the now existing ashtrays and hope, they are replaced with something with a little more eye appeal.

This letter is also being sent to Pattaya City Hall.

Mahalo for putting this important matter to print.

The Pollution Solution Group


Friday, December 24, 2010

Think Before Littering


If one ever saw a baby choking on a cigarette end or a bottle cap, you would never litter again. The Pollution Solution Group would like to start to see a big decline in these two items being left behind, for unknowing children and wildlife to find and ingest.

We are not telling people to quit smoking or drinking, we are just asking them to think before leaving things behind that can kill children and wildlife, like cigarette ends, bottle caps, disposable lighters and camera batteries.

We know that Pattaya Mail also has concerns for our children and wildlife and we thank them for putting this to print.

Wishing All, Happy Holidays.
Gerry Rasmus,
Pollution Solution Group

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pattaya City Hall Heeds the Request from Koto...1-12-10

Pattaya People January 12, 2010

They Never Said It Would Be Easy


If one could read Thai, one would learn, that I'm talking to the Pattaya City Mayor and Deputy Mayor about the beaches and storm drain problems, such as toxic cigarette butts, bottle caps, disposable lighters, camera batteries, plastic, things that can and do, kill babies, wildlife and contaminate our waterways.
I just wanted my friends and love ones to know that this dog, is off the porch and barking at the powers, to wake up, and save the voiceless.

The only mistake the papers made is that they said that I was 60, I'm thinking it's because, this too pooped to pop and to old to scold dog, that leads the pack, side steps sea urchins, dodges jellyfish, dances with sharks and from time to time soars with eagles, has weathered Fairly well, considering, life lived.

Just wanted to share with you all, as I have found that inner-wealth and health are the two most priceless things one could ever have, and as my priceless days, months, years start to move so fast, I like to toot my horn from time to time also wishing all Happy Holidays.

With Aloha
Gerry aka KOTO Keeper Of The Ocean
A Legend In His Own Mind, Leaving Only
Examples, Smiles And Footprints Behind.
Cha, Cha, Cha...